Our artists in media

PR of the single "Speak to me" by Disappear Completely
- 134 publications in online media (Лірум, СЛУХ, Комсомольська правда, Волинський вісник)
- 5 publications in telegram channels (Безодня, ковток, Діагноз-меломанія)
- 6 posts on instagram blogs (Міський божевільний, Жаба-гадюка, Гоголь-Медіа)
- 7 radio broadcasts (Радіо Рок, Радіо Промінь, Хіт ФМ)
Total coverage of the campaign: 135,000 people

PR of the single "Speak to me" by Disappear Completely
- 134 publications in online media (Лірум, СЛУХ, Комсомольська правда, Волинський вісник)
- 5 publications in telegram channels (Безодня, ковток, Діагноз-меломанія)
- 6 posts on instagram blogs (Міський божевільний, Жаба-гадюка, Гоголь-Медіа)
- 7 radio broadcasts (Радіо Рок, Радіо Промінь, Хіт ФМ)
Total coverage of the campaign: 135,000 people
Successful cases
134 publications in online media (Lirum, SLUH, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Volynsky Visnyk)
5 publications in telegram channels (Bozodnya, Kulk, Diagnosis-Melomania)
6 posts on instagram blogs (City Madman, Viper Frog, Gogol Media)
7 radio broadcasts (Radio Rock, Radio Promin, Hit FM)
Total coverage of the campaign: 135,000 people

PR of the single "Speak to me" by Disappear Completely
134 publications in online media (LiRoom, SLUKH, Комсомольска правда, Волинський вісник)
5 publications in telegram channels (Безодня, Ковток, Даігноз-меломанія)
6 posts on instagram blogs (Міський божевільний, Жаба-гадюка, Гоголь-Медіа)
7 radio broadcasts (Радіо Рок, Радіо Промінь, Хіт ФМ)
Total coverage of the campaign: 135,000 people

PR of the single "Speak to me" by Disappear Completely
PR support of the release
Analysis of the information field
Selection of communication channels
Creating a press kit for the release
Media distribution
Pitching media publications, radio presentations and pitching to author playlists.
PR support of the artist
PR of all releases, concerts and others
Consultation and support if communication is needed
PR support during interviews, radio broadcasts, filming
Consultations upon request
Creaing PR strategy
Creating a long-term PR strategy for an artist in the public information field