bedroom punk
The Unsleeping are the key players of the new Ukrainian indie scene. In 2019, they presented new Ukrainian alternative music at one of the biggest European music festivals, Sziget. In 2020, their single ‘PTAHA FRED’ won the best song award at Jager Music Awards Ukraine.
As the festival season starts in Ukraine, The Unsleeping get into every program. They performed and at various times headlined Atlas Weekend, Zaxidfest, Faine Misto, etc. The band also took part in the 2021 Waves Vienna showcase.
The trademark wild charisma and boisterous energy of The Unsleeping live shows won’t let anyone stand still.
ebm / synth-pop
Kurs Valüt is an electro duo from Dnipro founded in 2017 to make Minimal Wave in Ukraine great again. Their music is created first and foremost for live performances. They also have a lot of references to the most popular Ukrainian cultural topics, stereotypes and memes found in social media. All songs written in Ukrainian. All in all, lyrical subjects and dark electronics carefully turn existential crisis into unstoppable energy on the dancefloor.
The band's discography includes two LPs: ‘Veselo’ (2018) and ‘Kurs Valüt’ (2021). They had a sold-out concert in Kyiv in the summer of 2021, along with regular appearances on the biggest electronic parties and festivals in Ukraine.
Most recently Kurs Valüt signed a deal with a German label No EMB Blanc and actively performs in Europe.
folk / etno
The project was founded in early 2020 in Lviv by ethnographer, artist, and musician Marian Pyrih, the leader of the famous folk band «ГИЧ Orchestra».
"Пиріг і Батіг" modernize folk songs and musically interpret the poetry of Ukrainian poets, including Pavlo Tychyna, Taras Shevchenko, Bohdan-Ihor Antonych, Volodymyr Sosiura, and others. The live performance sounds very voluminous and sophisticated thanks to its wide lineup of authentic instruments: guitar, violin, percussion, bassoon, oboe, and contrabass. The video "Танго Смерті" published on the "Ukraïner" channel has received over 100,000 views. The chorus "Смерть загостирла косу, не встига за ЗСУ" has become one of the main musical memes during wartime. The band has performed concerts in Germany and Iceland, as well as a successful concert at the Kyiv Cinema House.
In 2023, the band went on a de-occupation tour, performing 10 concerts in the liberated villages of the Kharkiv region. They are now actively working on creating new material with the same goal: to immerse the audience in the rich musical and poetic heritage of our past.
jazz rock
In 2016-2020, Stas Koroliov gained wide recognition as a multi-instrumentalist and producer in the electronic band YUKO. And in May 2021, he launched his career under his name with the solo album O_h, chosen as the album of the year by most music critics and media in the country.
With the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Stas stopped playing songs from the album "O_h" and formed an audiovisual band of the same name, with which he went on tour in 2022 to the eastern and southern cities of Ukraine that were subjected to massive shelling. In the autumn of 2022, Stas Koroliov organized the Endless Concert. The band promised to play an instrumental version of their new song in a circle, without pauses, until they raised one million hryvnias for the Hospitallers medical battalion. The event was streamed online and included several guests and interactive elements. The band raised UAH 1,186,337 in 6 hours and 24 minutes.
Now Stas's performance is an immersive audiovisual show with musicians, DJs and directors, where the audience can influence the course of the concert using their smartphones.
witch house / post-punk
A debut release and millions of streams at once. Few bands manage to get to the music pedestal so quickly. Структура Щастя manages to do hits with top buzzer idols and play concerts, without giving up quality.
Despite her young age, Liza has a stable 400,000 listeners on Spotify per month. Her most popular track has exceeded 11 million streams, and her music is often at the top of the Ukrainian media. She gathers audiences of thousands in Kyiv and makes sold-out shows in other cities of Ukraine. All of this suggests that today Liza is the brightest representative of the generation of zoomer musicians who are tearing up Tik Tok and concert venues.
In the two years of her creative activity they released the album "Смуга" and the EPs "Система Горя" and "Ближче" (together with Sad Novelist) and the full-length album "Вовк". And its track "Силуети", recorded together with SadSvit, became one of the symbols of 2022.
alternative hip-hop / spoken word
Twitter parody dude, and drunken master of the interesting life, Nitsyk has been broadcasting his philosophy to the masses since 2019.
It's hard to classify Nitsyc's work into any semantic musical category, which makes his eclectic storytelling, powerful music, and crimson voice the most recognizable in the Ukrainian indie scene. When Nitsyk sounds, everyone knows it's him.
In 2023, he sold out Lviv twice and Kyiv with Джозерс, performed at the Faine Misto festival and released a track in collaboration with the Come Back Alive Foundation.
Nytsyo Potvorno's concert includes elements of stand-up and open communication with the audience amongst the absolute banger. Each show of Nitsyk's is unique, has its own vibe and is remembered for a long time.
postpunk / electropop
Kalush(city in Ukraine) doomers, "eternal freshmen" and the most persistent band on the Ukrainian indie scene, playing outsider pop music with the effect of empathic therapy. They are known for their hits «Додому», «Піф паф файє», «Це дурня, а не любов», «Післямова» and many others that have stuck in the minds.
They sold out Lviv twice and Kyiv. Immediately after, they re-released two albums — "Ускладнений машинний біт" та "Абсолютна брехня". Later, they went on a Ukrainian tour with LYKHO and performed at the Faine Misto festival — and that’s just the first half of 2023.
The band delivers an exceptional show with theatrically refined dynamics and emotional roller coasters of highs, lows, and powerful climaxes.
psychedelic rock / post-punk / new wave
Гурт heavenphetamine утворився в Токіо у 2018 році. До постійного складу колективу входять Хірокі Ода (клавіші, вокал), Сара Ода (ударні, вокал) періодично грають з сесійними музикантами.
За останні 2 роки гурт успішно відіграв вже десятки сольних концертів по всій Україні, міксуючи їх з європейськими міні-турами.
У 2023 році вони видали перший альбом вже на українському лейблі kontrabass promo.
Подорожуючи з туром Україною, вони виступали навіть в маленьких містах, таких як Кременчук, Ніжин, активно збираючи кошти в підтримку фонду Musicians Defend Ukraine.
В 2024 році зіграли на найбільшому фестивалі України Atlas United.
Інтелектуальний коктейль жанрів, баланс між дикістю і гармонією, спокоєм та напругою. Але найважливіше, це їх місія – «Ми розуміємо, що музика не зупинить війну в Україні. Тим не менш, ви показали нам могутню красу, яка народжується завдяки проживанню кожної миті так, наче вона остання. Ми прагнемо поділитися цим відчуттям з вами на сцені». І в heavenphetamine це прекрасно виходить.
indie rock / trip hop
Disappeared Completely is a Ukrainian indie, trip-hop band founded in 2017. The band was released on the international label La belle musique. DC's tracks have hit the charts in Ukraine, France, Germany, Britain, Hungary, and others. The track "It's in your eyes" went viral on the world charts and put the band on a number of prestigious European projects, and the total number of listens to the band on Spotify has already exceeded 6 million.
At the moment, Disappeared Completely is beginning to change its sound, mixing rock and roll, blues, and electronic. The band's second album was released in the fall of 2023.
The artists are constantly working for the Western market, playing in Europe. However, as of today, despite the English-language lyrics, Kyiv remains among the top cities for listening on streaming services.
alternative pop
Shmiska is a young Ukrainian artist from Chernihiv who has been living in Paris since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. The girl has been engaged in art all her life, professionally studying opera singing, piano and acting. Over time, she realized that she had to do something different and started writing music in new genres.
Her songs are actively distributed on TikTok, and the track "Запальничка" has gained 1,000,000 streams in 2023. Renata performs at festivals and concerts in France and Ukraine, including charity events in support of the Ukrainian army.
Recently, Shmiska performed together with French musicians at the "Rock en Seine" festival.
Participation in the concert was a surprise for the musician herself, as such artists as Placebo, boygenius, Foals and Billie Eilish performed on the same stage.
Small Depo — український постпанк гурт, заснований у 2014 році в Києві. Відзначається своєрідним поєднанням звучання 80-х років з сучасними музичними тенденціями.
Гурт демонструє здатність української музики не тільки виражати глибокі особистісні переживання, але й коментувати соціальні та політичні реалії часу. Прикладом цього є альбом "DEBIL'NIY", який був визнаний одним з кращих у 2018 році за версією медіа СЛУХ.
Їхню музику не відносять до когорти новаторства, це класичний, бетонний звук пост-панк звучання минулого, але в цьому і є головна особливість для фанатів жанру.
Монотонні ритми з переважанням басу й ударних, майже беземоційний, але добре впізнаваний у не широких колах українського пост-панку голос Максима Іщенка, відчуття наростальної тривоги в мелодіях, — це якраз чудове відображення нашої реальності.
ba.latskii (балацький) — український інді-поп гурт, до складу якого входять Юрій Балацький, Роман Краснобай, Назар Ніколайчук та Артур Кожевніков. Власне, від наголошеного “ба” у прізвищі Романа та “лацький” у Юрія й склалась назва гурту, ядром якого є саме ці двоє. Хлопці грають разом понад 12 років, та лише нещодавно почали розвивати спільний музичний проект.
За три роки колектив випустив 8 синглів, у 2023 перший повноформатний альбом.
Навіть у відносному “затишші” цифра місячних прослуховувань на стрімінгах не падає нижче 60 тис.
Популярні пісні “Ти так мало говориш”, “Ти сонце я сніг” відомі чи не кожному фанату інді-попу. І всі нові релізи приносять колективу тисячі нових слухачів, ротації на радіо та запрошення від інді-фестивалів та концертних майданчиків.
Станом на 2024 рік кількість загальних переглядів їх творчості на YouTube вже перевищила 8 млн.
А кожен новий виступ не просто ще ніжніший, ще глибший, а й дуже якісний та професійний.
post-punk / indie / lo-fi
A side project by Dakh Daughters and Anton Ocheretyanyi, combining lo-fi, post-punk aesthetics, electronics and theatricality. Their author's light show was created specifically with the musical drama of the program in mind. So we guarantee that you will feel like you are at a concert and in the theater at the same time.
After the full-scale invasion, the band performed abroad, including one of the most memorable performances at the Georges Pompidou National Center for Arts and Culture in Paris.
Their original light show was created specifically for the musical drama of the program. Currently, the band is working on a new release containing several audiovisual works at the intersection of underground and contemporary pop music.
indie-rock / post-shoegaze
provulok – це кримський гурт, що грає інструментальний пост-рок/пост - шугейз, з важким та водночас приємним меланхолійним звучанням. Фронтмен Льоман Судакли народився в Криму (місто Судак), але після окупації півострова вимушено покинув домівку і переїхав до Києва.
“Якби Крим був жанром, він би на 100% був построком” – каже Льоман. Можливо саме тому його музика гіпнотизує, не гірше масивів гір на світанку.
Цікавий факт, що музику provulok давно визнали за межами України. 80% їх слухачів – із країн ЄС і південної Америки, але гурт постійно працює над тим, щоб поширювати свою музику серед української аудиторії.
На сьогодні у provulok є вже 3 повноформатні альбоми, на яких можна зустріти фіти із Ницо Потворно, sucilna_nevdacha_exe, Sheetel, Люсі, Тощо.
У 2023 році гурт здобув перемогу на престижному конкурсі для рок-гуртів – Koza music battle. З того часу їх часто можна зустріти на афішах київських концертних майданчиків.
jazz / funk / indie
The band was founded by Danylo Halyko in 2014. Its specialty is a combination of original funky, near-jazz music with poetic Ukrainian-language lyrics. Blooms Corda has been repeatedly recognized by critics as one of the most original and interesting bands of the independent music scene of Ukraine. The band's 4 albums continue to hold high positions in the ratings of music media. At live performances, they play guitar, drums, keys, saxophone, and Danylo's incredibly gentle vocals create a special atmosphere of eternal autumn melancholy.
In 2020, the band was selected for the British showcase festival The Great Escape, and in 2023 they played several large solo concerts in Ukraine.
art rock
The band was founded by Anton Shytel, a former member of "MYOPIA" and "The Cancel Band". His keyboards and shrieking vocals are the band's constant elements. A whole mini-orchestra creates a powerful sound: keys, bass guitar, drums, and cello.
The noir atmosphere is inspired by the classics of trip-hop, jazz and grunge. The performance is often complemented by a visual or theatrical performance. From the first to the last minute, the band keeps the audience's attention. Even those who are familiar with their work will definitely hear new instrumental parts and dramatic transitions.
Recently, the frontman Anton Shytel began experimenting with electronic music, releasing the FALL EP and the singles "Невеслий" and "Кумедний". He also performs with piano acoustics - the flexibility of the program is suitable for events of various formats.
electro / breakbeat / idm
A solo project by Stas Ivashchenko, the drummer of DOK and Вагоновожаті (ВГНВЖ), in which he reveals himself as an electronic musician.
In 2020, Stas released his debut EP 'Signals', which hit the TOP of the year in many Ukrainian publications. In 2021, he started his concert activity(Brave! Factory, GogolFest. Black Factory, festivals in Germany and Estonia). His live performances combine the frantic energy of live drums and electronic textures. The last release EP/2 came out in June 2022 on the Salon Imaginalis label.
His project is a completely new breath in the world of electronic music. The incredible skill of live drumming, expression, and crazy expressiveness of sounds, along with electro/breakbeat, show us a completely new sound language. The symbiosis of electronic and live creates a unique experience, pressure and sound at the concert.
bedroom pop
Nadia Pechurkina, aka Суцільна Невдача, shook up the indie scene in 2022 with her songs "Ніколиr" and "Не тримайся," broadcasting naive zoomer poetry in the arms of a bright sound and a light, pleasant voice.
Her internal discussions and experiences about love and the meaning of existence resonated with those who like to stick in minecraft letsplays or on a disco lamp in a dark room, forcing them to reflect on their painful experiences and move on.
In 2023, Nadia released "Перша зірка на небі", continuing to delight listeners with true love stories between apathetic episodes.
Her concerts are like a pleasant apartment in the company of outsiders, where the true beauty of ordinary human life can be heard in the silence of a room filled with people.
A solo project by composer and pianist Yevhen Dubovyk, where he mixes neo-soul, jazz, fusion, elements of electronic and classical music. It's a fresh perspective, bold decisions, and a conceptual approach, all reflected in each of the artist's singles: 'Motion,' 'Mr. Tritone,' 'Resistance,' 'Hope.'
You’ve undoubtedly heard his elegant piano parts at concerts and in the songs of Стаса Корольова, Ziferblat, Jamala, Обійми Дощу, Антона Слєпакова, the band Дно, and other renowned figures on the Ukrainian scene.
His team is: drummer Ivan Kornienko, bassist Stas Dyachenko, and Kyrylo Cherkashin on saxophone. When they play, you not only hear the instruments but also feel the space around them resonate.
blues punk
A theatrical blues-punk project founded in 2022. The project has its roots in the village of Volodarske, Donetsk region. It was place where vocalist and guitarist Illia Miroshnyk developed the concept for the mini-album 'Donbass Blues' as part of his solo work. Later, other musicians joined him, creating a fusion of industrially harsh punk forms and soulful blues.
The debut album was warmly received by the audience and made its way into the rotation of Ukrainian radio stations.
The band members have close ties with "Леся Квартиринка" festival, "КосмосТабір" organization, and 'ЖNИВА' bar. Together, they have their mission as promoting independent indie art and promoting local culture.
indie-rock / alternative-pop
Гурт mine — це київське інді-тріо, учасниками якого є Нікіта Масюк, Євген Іванов та Іван Корнієнко. Дебютний повноформатний альбом “Colors” вони випустили 4 роки тому, що подарувало їм невелику, але максимально віддану фан-базу.
Станом на зараз дискографія гурту доволі різноманітна, кілька синглів та ЕР з зірками української інді-сцени тільки додають особливого шарму та цінності.
У mine є фіти з Lipatova, Tember Blanche, а ще – спільний кліп з Женею Галичем.
У 2024 році гурт виступив на майданчиках столичних фестивалів Atlas United та Uyava.
Це гурт з неймовірно світлою й щирою енергією, що змушує закохатись з першого погляду і гордитися тим, що “я з ними ще з першого альбому”.
dream pop / shoegaze
headachee is a young dream-trip-pop band from Kyiv that started its activities in 2021.
The band's songs are quickly gaining popularity among listeners, including videos on TikTok for the track "мавпа" with hundreds of thousands of views . At the beginning of 2024, the band released their debut studio album "Шукаючи колір" where they tried to be multi-genre and were able to successfully combine shoegaze, surf rock, dream pop and even blues rock.
The band has already managed to play at many youth gatherings in Kyiv, starting with Пожежа and ending with Не.Культурні .
The Unsleeping are the key players of the new Ukrainian indie scene. In 2019, they presented new Ukrainian alternative music at one of the biggest European music festivals, Sziget. In 2020, their single ‘PTAHA FRED’ won the best song award at Jager Music Awards Ukraine.
As the festival season starts in Ukraine, The Unsleeping get into every program. They performed and at various times headlined Atlas Weekend, Zaxidfest, Faine Misto, etc. The band also took part in the 2021 Waves Vienna showcase.
The trademark wild charisma and boisterous energy of The Unsleeping live shows won’t let anyone stand still.
bedroom punk
Kurs Valüt is an electro duo from Dnipro founded in 2017 to make Minimal Wave in Ukraine great again. Their music is created first and foremost for live performances. They also have a lot of references to the most popular Ukrainian cultural topics, stereotypes and memes found in social media. All songs written in Ukrainian. All in all, lyrical subjects and dark electronics carefully turn existential crisis into unstoppable energy on the dancefloor.
The band's discography includes two LPs: ‘Veselo’ (2018) and ‘Kurs Valüt’ (2021). They had a sold-out concert in Kyiv in the summer of 2021, along with regular appearances on the biggest electronic parties and festivals in Ukraine.
Most recently Kurs Valüt signed a deal with a German label No EMB Blanc and actively performs in Europe.
ebm / synth-pop
The project was founded in early 2020 in Lviv by ethnographer, artist, and musician Marian Pyrih, the leader of the famous folk band «ГИЧ Orchestra».
"Пиріг і Батіг" modernize folk songs and musically interpret the poetry of Ukrainian poets, including Pavlo Tychyna, Taras Shevchenko, Bohdan-Ihor Antonych, Volodymyr Sosiura, and others. The live performance sounds very voluminous and sophisticated thanks to its wide lineup of authentic instruments: guitar, violin, percussion, bassoon, oboe, and contrabass. The video "Танго Смерті" published on the "Ukraïner" channel has received over 100,000 views. The chorus "Смерть загостирла косу, не встига за ЗСУ" has become one of the main musical memes during wartime. The band has performed concerts in Germany and Iceland, as well as a successful concert at the Kyiv Cinema House.
In 2023, the band went on a de-occupation tour, performing 10 concerts in the liberated villages of the Kharkiv region. They are now actively working on creating new material with the same goal: to immerse the audience in the rich musical and poetic heritage of our past.
folk / etno
In 2016-2020, Stas Koroliov gained wide recognition as a multi-instrumentalist and producer in the electronic band YUKO. And in May 2021, he launched his career under his name with the solo album O_h, chosen as the album of the year by most music critics and media in the country.
With the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Stas stopped playing songs from the album "O_h" and formed an audiovisual band of the same name, with which he went on tour in 2022 to the eastern and southern cities of Ukraine that were subjected to massive shelling. In the autumn of 2022, Stas Koroliov organized the Endless Concert. The band promised to play an instrumental version of their new song in a circle, without pauses, until they raised one million hryvnias for the Hospitallers medical battalion. The event was streamed online and included several guests and interactive elements. The band raised UAH 1,186,337 in 6 hours and 24 minutes.
Now Stas's performance is an immersive audiovisual show with musicians, DJs and directors, where the audience can influence the course of the concert using their smartphones.
jazz rock
A debut release and millions of streams at once. Few bands manage to get to the music pedestal so quickly. Структура Щастя manages to do hits with top buzzer idols and play concerts, without giving up quality.
Despite her young age, Liza has a stable 400,000 listeners on Spotify per month. Her most popular track has exceeded 11 million streams, and her music is often at the top of the Ukrainian media. She gathers audiences of thousands in Kyiv and makes sold-out shows in other cities of Ukraine. All of this suggests that today Liza is the brightest representative of the generation of zoomer musicians who are tearing up Tik Tok and concert venues.
In the two years of her creative activity they released the album "Смуга" and the EPs "Система Горя" and "Ближче" (together with Sad Novelist) and the full-length album "Вовк". And its track "Силуети", recorded together with SadSvit, became one of the symbols of 2022.
witch house / post-punk
Twitter parody dude, and drunken master of the interesting life, Nitsyk has been broadcasting his philosophy to the masses since 2019.
It's hard to classify Nitsyc's work into any semantic musical category, which makes his eclectic storytelling, powerful music, and crimson voice the most recognizable in the Ukrainian indie scene. When Nitsyk sounds, everyone knows it's him.
In 2023, he sold out Lviv twice and Kyiv with Джозерс, performed at the Faine Misto festival and released a track in collaboration with the Come Back Alive Foundation.
Nytsyo Potvorno's concert includes elements of stand-up and open communication with the audience amongst the absolute banger. Each show of Nitsyk's is unique, has its own vibe and is remembered for a long time.
alternative hip-hop / spoken word
Kalush(city in Ukraine) doomers, "eternal freshmen" and the most persistent band on the Ukrainian indie scene, playing outsider pop music with the effect of empathic therapy. They are known for their hits «Додому», «Піф паф файє», «Це дурня, а не любов», «Післямова» and many others that have stuck in the minds.
They sold out Lviv twice and Kyiv. Immediately after, they re-released two albums — "Ускладнений машинний біт" та "Абсолютна брехня". Later, they went on a Ukrainian tour with LYKHO and performed at the Faine Misto festival — and that’s just the first half of 2023.
The band delivers an exceptional show with theatrically refined dynamics and emotional roller coasters of highs, lows, and powerful climaxes.
postpunk / electropop
Гурт heavenphetamine утворився в Токіо у 2018 році. До постійного складу колективу входять Хірокі Ода (клавіші, вокал), Сара Ода (ударні, вокал) періодично грають з сесійними музикантами.
За останні 2 роки гурт успішно відіграв вже десятки сольних концертів по всій Україні, міксуючи їх з європейськими міні-турами.
У 2023 році вони видали перший альбом вже на українському лейблі kontrabass promo.
Подорожуючи з туром Україною, вони виступали навіть в маленьких містах, таких як Кременчук, Ніжин, активно збираючи кошти в підтримку фонду Musicians Defend Ukraine.
В 2024 році зіграли на найбільшому фестивалі України Atlas United.
Інтелектуальний коктейль жанрів, баланс між дикістю і гармонією, спокоєм та напругою. Але найважливіше, це їх місія – «Ми розуміємо, що музика не зупинить війну в Україні. Тим не менш, ви показали нам могутню красу, яка народжується завдяки проживанню кожної миті так, наче вона остання. Ми прагнемо поділитися цим відчуттям з вами на сцені». І в heavenphetamine це прекрасно виходить.
psychedelic rock / post-punk / new wave
Disappeared Completely is a Ukrainian indie, trip-hop band founded in 2017. The band was released on the international label La belle musique. DC's tracks have hit the charts in Ukraine, France, Germany, Britain, Hungary, and others. The track "It's in your eyes" went viral on the world charts and put the band on a number of prestigious European projects, and the total number of listens to the band on Spotify has already exceeded 6 million.
At the moment, Disappeared Completely is beginning to change its sound, mixing rock and roll, blues, and electronic. The band's second album was released in the fall of 2023.
The artists are constantly working for the Western market, playing in Europe. However, as of today, despite the English-language lyrics, Kyiv remains among the top cities for listening on streaming services.
indie rock / trip hop
Shmiska is a young Ukrainian artist from Chernihiv who has been living in Paris since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. The girl has been engaged in art all her life, professionally studying opera singing, piano and acting. Over time, she realized that she had to do something different and started writing music in new genres.
Her songs are actively distributed on TikTok, and the track "Запальничка" has gained 1,000,000 streams in 2023. Renata performs at festivals and concerts in France and Ukraine, including charity events in support of the Ukrainian army.
Recently, Shmiska performed together with French musicians at the "Rock en Seine" festival.
Participation in the concert was a surprise for the musician herself, as such artists as Placebo, boygenius, Foals and Billie Eilish performed on the same stage.
alternative pop
Small Depo — український постпанк гурт, заснований у 2014 році в Києві. Відзначається своєрідним поєднанням звучання 80-х років з сучасними музичними тенденціями.
Гурт демонструє здатність української музики не тільки виражати глибокі особистісні переживання, але й коментувати соціальні та політичні реалії часу. Прикладом цього є альбом "DEBIL'NIY", який був визнаний одним з кращих у 2018 році за версією медіа СЛУХ.
Їхню музику не відносять до когорти новаторства, це класичний, бетонний звук пост-панк звучання минулого, але в цьому і є головна особливість для фанатів жанру.
Монотонні ритми з переважанням басу й ударних, майже беземоційний, але добре впізнаваний у не широких колах українського пост-панку голос Максима Іщенка, відчуття наростальної тривоги в мелодіях, — це якраз чудове відображення нашої реальності.
ba.latskii (балацький) — український інді-поп гурт, до складу якого входять Юрій Балацький, Роман Краснобай, Назар Ніколайчук та Артур Кожевніков. Власне, від наголошеного “ба” у прізвищі Романа та “лацький” у Юрія й склалась назва гурту, ядром якого є саме ці двоє. Хлопці грають разом понад 12 років, та лише нещодавно почали розвивати спільний музичний проект.
За три роки колектив випустив 8 синглів, у 2023 перший повноформатний альбом.
Навіть у відносному “затишші” цифра місячних прослуховувань на стрімінгах не падає нижче 60 тис.
Популярні пісні “Ти так мало говориш”, “Ти сонце я сніг” відомі чи не кожному фанату інді-попу. І всі нові релізи приносять колективу тисячі нових слухачів, ротації на радіо та запрошення від інді-фестивалів та концертних майданчиків.
Станом на 2024 рік кількість загальних переглядів їх творчості на YouTube вже перевищила 8 млн.
А кожен новий виступ не просто ще ніжніший, ще глибший, а й дуже якісний та професійний.
A side project by Dakh Daughters and Anton Ocheretyanyi, combining lo-fi, post-punk aesthetics, electronics and theatricality. Their author's light show was created specifically with the musical drama of the program in mind. So we guarantee that you will feel like you are at a concert and in the theater at the same time.
After the full-scale invasion, the band performed abroad, including one of the most memorable performances at the Georges Pompidou National Center for Arts and Culture in Paris.
Their original light show was created specifically for the musical drama of the program. Currently, the band is working on a new release containing several audiovisual works at the intersection of underground and contemporary pop music.
post-punk / indie / lo-fi
provulok – це кримський гурт, що грає інструментальний пост-рок/пост - шугейз, з важким та водночас приємним меланхолійним звучанням. Фронтмен Льоман Судакли народився в Криму (місто Судак), але після окупації півострова вимушено покинув домівку і переїхав до Києва.
“Якби Крим був жанром, він би на 100% був построком” – каже Льоман. Можливо саме тому його музика гіпнотизує, не гірше масивів гір на світанку.
Цікавий факт, що музику provulok давно визнали за межами України. 80% їх слухачів – із країн ЄС і південної Америки, але гурт постійно працює над тим, щоб поширювати свою музику серед української аудиторії.
На сьогодні у provulok є вже 3 повноформатні альбоми, на яких можна зустріти фіти із Ницо Потворно, sucilna_nevdacha_exe, Sheetel, Люсі, Тощо.
У 2023 році гурт здобув перемогу на престижному конкурсі для рок-гуртів – Koza music battle. З того часу їх часто можна зустріти на афішах київських концертних майданчиків.
indie-rock / post-shoegaze
The band was founded by Danylo Halyko in 2014. Its specialty is a combination of original funky, near-jazz music with poetic Ukrainian-language lyrics. Blooms Corda has been repeatedly recognized by critics as one of the most original and interesting bands of the independent music scene of Ukraine. The band's 4 albums continue to hold high positions in the ratings of music media. At live performances, they play guitar, drums, keys, saxophone, and Danylo's incredibly gentle vocals create a special atmosphere of eternal autumn melancholy.
In 2020, the band was selected for the British showcase festival The Great Escape, and in 2023 they played several large solo concerts in Ukraine.
jazz / funk / indie
The band was founded by Anton Shytel, a former member of "MYOPIA" and "The Cancel Band". His keyboards and shrieking vocals are the band's constant elements. A whole mini-orchestra creates a powerful sound: keys, bass guitar, drums, and cello.
The noir atmosphere is inspired by the classics of trip-hop, jazz and grunge. The performance is often complemented by a visual or theatrical performance. From the first to the last minute, the band keeps the audience's attention. Even those who are familiar with their work will definitely hear new instrumental parts and dramatic transitions.
Recently, the frontman Anton Shytel began experimenting with electronic music, releasing the FALL EP and the singles "Невеслий" and "Кумедний". He also performs with piano acoustics - the flexibility of the program is suitable for events of various formats.
art rock
A solo project by Stas Ivashchenko, the drummer of DOK and Вагоновожаті (ВГНВЖ), in which he reveals himself as an electronic musician.
In 2020, Stas released his debut EP 'Signals', which hit the TOP of the year in many Ukrainian publications. In 2021, he started his concert activity(Brave! Factory, GogolFest. Black Factory, festivals in Germany and Estonia). His live performances combine the frantic energy of live drums and electronic textures. The last release EP/2 came out in June 2022 on the Salon Imaginalis label.
His project is a completely new breath in the world of electronic music. The incredible skill of live drumming, expression, and crazy expressiveness of sounds, along with electro/breakbeat, show us a completely new sound language. The symbiosis of electronic and live creates a unique experience, pressure and sound at the concert.
electro / breakbeat / idm
Nadia Pechurkina, aka Суцільна Невдача, shook up the indie scene in 2022 with her songs "Ніколиr" and "Не тримайся," broadcasting naive zoomer poetry in the arms of a bright sound and a light, pleasant voice.
Her internal discussions and experiences about love and the meaning of existence resonated with those who like to stick in minecraft letsplays or on a disco lamp in a dark room, forcing them to reflect on their painful experiences and move on.
In 2023, Nadia released "Перша зірка на небі", continuing to delight listeners with true love stories between apathetic episodes.
Her concerts are like a pleasant apartment in the company of outsiders, where the true beauty of ordinary human life can be heard in the silence of a room filled with people.
bedroom pop
A solo project by composer and pianist Yevhen Dubovyk, where he mixes neo-soul, jazz, fusion, elements of electronic and classical music. It's a fresh perspective, bold decisions, and a conceptual approach, all reflected in each of the artist's singles: 'Motion,' 'Mr. Tritone,' 'Resistance,' 'Hope.'
You’ve undoubtedly heard his elegant piano parts at concerts and in the songs of Стаса Корольова, Ziferblat, Jamala, Обійми Дощу, Антона Слєпакова, the band Дно, and other renowned figures on the Ukrainian scene.
His team is: drummer Ivan Kornienko, bassist Stas Dyachenko, and Kyrylo Cherkashin on saxophone. When they play, you not only hear the instruments but also feel the space around them resonate.
A theatrical blues-punk project founded in 2022. The project has its roots in the village of Volodarske, Donetsk region. It was place where vocalist and guitarist Illia Miroshnyk developed the concept for the mini-album 'Donbass Blues' as part of his solo work. Later, other musicians joined him, creating a fusion of industrially harsh punk forms and soulful blues.
The debut album was warmly received by the audience and made its way into the rotation of Ukrainian radio stations.
The band members have close ties with "Леся Квартиринка" festival, "КосмосТабір" organization, and 'ЖNИВА' bar. Together, they have their mission as promoting independent indie art and promoting local culture.
blues punk
Гурт mine — це київське інді-тріо, учасниками якого є Нікіта Масюк, Євген Іванов та Іван Корнієнко. Дебютний повноформатний альбом “Colors” вони випустили 4 роки тому, що подарувало їм невелику, але максимально віддану фан-базу.
Станом на зараз дискографія гурту доволі різноманітна, кілька синглів та ЕР з зірками української інді-сцени тільки додають особливого шарму та цінності.
У mine є фіти з Lipatova, Tember Blanche, а ще – спільний кліп з Женею Галичем.
У 2024 році гурт виступив на майданчиках столичних фестивалів Atlas United та Uyava.
Це гурт з неймовірно світлою й щирою енергією, що змушує закохатись з першого погляду і гордитися тим, що “я з ними ще з першого альбому”.
indie-rock / alternative-pop
headachee is a young dream-trip-pop band from Kyiv that started its activities in 2021.
The band's songs are quickly gaining popularity among listeners, including videos on TikTok for the track "мавпа" with hundreds of thousands of views . At the beginning of 2024, the band released their debut studio album "Шукаючи колір" where they tried to be multi-genre and were able to successfully combine shoegaze, surf rock, dream pop and even blues rock.
The band has already managed to play at many youth gatherings in Kyiv, starting with Пожежа and ending with Не.Культурні .